Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard
Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard is a MIDI event generator and receiver. It doesn't produce any sound by itself, but can be used to drive a MIDI synthesizer (either hardware or software, internal or external). You can use the computer's keyboard or mouse to play MIDI notes. You can use VMPK to display the played MIDI notes from another instrument or MIDI file player.
Drumstick Metronome
KMetronome is a MIDI metronome with KDE interface, based on the ALSA sequencer. The intended audience is musicians and music students. Like solid, real metronomes it is a tool to keep the rhythm while playing musical instruments. It uses MIDI for sound generation instead of digital audio, allowing low CPU usage, and very accurate timing thanks to the ALSA sequencer.
Drumstick MIDI Monitor
KMidimon monitors events coming from a MIDI external port or application via the ALSA sequencer, or Standard MIDI Files. It is especially useful if you want to debug MIDI software or your MIDI setup. It features a nice graphical user interface, customizable event filters and sequencer parameters, support for all MIDI messages and some ALSA messages, MIDI playback, and saving the recorded event list to a text file or SMF.
Drumstick Multiplatform MIDI File Player
Drumstick Multiplatform MIDI File Player plays MIDI and karaoke files to hardware MIDI devices or software synthesizers. It supports playlists, tempo (speed) control, volume and pitch (transpose) controls, and configurable character encoding, font, and color for lyrics. The graphic views include a rhythm view (visual metronome), a channels window with solo/muting controls and instrument selectors, and a piano player window (pianola).
Drumstick Libraries
Drumstick is a set C++ MIDI libraries using Qt5 objects, idioms and style. It contains a C++ wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface; ALSA sequencer provides software support for MIDI technology on Linux. A complementary library provides classes for SMF (Standard MIDI files: .MID/.KAR), RIFF MIDI (.RMI), and Cakewalk (.WRK) file formats processing. A multiplatform realtime MIDI I/O library and GUI Widgets are also provided.
This file last modified September 23, 2021